386 Ave. Domenech, San Juan, PR 00918


Facing Your Fears of Returning To School as an Adult
Analysis: Independents Lead the Way, a North-South Divide and 4 Other Things
Improve Your Writing Skills with 6 Free Online Lessons
Summer Holidays: an Opportunity for a Bit of Parental Reframing
Supporting Continuous School Board Improvement
Top 5 Books to Keep on Your Bookshelf For as Long as You Live
Term-Time Holiday Fines are Under Review in Some Areas
Higher Education Reform is the Way Forward
External Pressures Bring Changes to Higher Education
GCSE Maths Revision Guides ‘Littered’ with Mistakes
Cancel Everything Until the Students are Safe
How to Write for Teaching Network
Sobre Nosotros

Psicoalternativas es una compañía de consultoría en salud mental que trabaja para adiestrar en diversas herramientas y destrezas de una manera creativa y única. Fomentamos la experiencia como elemento principal del aprendizaje por lo que ofrecemos alternativas prácticas, aplicables e innovadoras. Nos definen la pasión y el compromiso con las poblaciones que atendemos y los servicios que brindamos.